Adding this green leaf to your daily routine of good nutrition will reap you the benefits of increased milk supply. It is is a powerful punch of benefits.

Best Food For Feeding Mother
To Get More Milk

You probably have asked why are you writing about this topic? I am surrounded by new mom’s and this topic has been a main topic among the group. I doubt strongly I would be promoting to them Moringa oleifera if it didn’t increase breast milk production, or if it wasn’t nutritiously good for you. I just wouldn’t waste my time. But Moringa oleifera has too many good things about it that I just must share my findings.

Studies have been conducted on lactating animals, and the flow of milk in cattle increased by as low as 65%. So why wouldn’t it increase the milk flow in nursing mother’s? It would and will! Studies have proven that it will increase up to 100% in lactating women!

Moringa is packed full of nutrition so it builds the babies and mom’s immune even greater. Another one of the benefits is, it gives mom the energy she needs to keep up with baby and the demands of life.

If you are looking for vitamins to increase breast milk fast Moringa could be what you are looking for. Moringa packs a powerful punch of benefits. It has all 9 of the essential amino acids, over 18 minerals to benefit your bones, muscles and brain and just as important, minerals produce enzymes and hormones. Moringa also has over 36 antioxidants. Without a question, breastfeeding-Mothers benefit from this amazing tree we call Moringa – or as they called it in ancient days – Mother’s Best Friend.

You probably have asked why are you writing about this topic? I am surrounded by new mom’s and this topic has been a main topic among the group. I doubt strongly I would be promoting to them Moringa oleifera if it didn’t increase breast milk production, or if it wasn’t nutritiously good for you. I just wouldn’t waste my time. But Moringa oleifera has too many good things about it that I just must share my findings.

Studies have been conducted on lactating animals, and the flow of milk in cattle increased by as low as 65%. So why wouldn’t it increase the milk flow in nursing mother’s? It would and will! Studies have proven that it will increase up to 100% in lactating women!

Moringa is packed full of nutrition so it builds the babies and mom’s immune even greater. Another one of the benefits is, it gives mom the energy she needs to keep up with baby and the demands of life.

If you are looking for vitamins to increase breast milk fast Moringa could be what you are looking for. Moringa packs a powerful punch of benefits. It has all 9 of the essential amino acids, over 18 minerals to benefit your bones, muscles and brain and just as important, minerals produce enzymes and hormones. Moringa also has over 36 antioxidants. Without a question, breastfeeding-Mothers benefit from this amazing tree we call Moringa – or as they called it in ancient days – Mother’s Best Friend.

Powerful Benefits of Moringa

It is rich in essential nutrition, plus, it also is high in fiber and protein. The best thing about Moringa is its protein, iron, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium that are so essential in new Mothers especially breastfeeding Mothers. We will list a few of the essential nutrients’ infants need but Moringa oleifera has all the vitamins that are needed for a healthy baby and mom.

Adding Moringa to a daily routine of good nutrition you will truly reap the benefits of increasing milk supply and excellent nutrition. Why be frustrated or disappointed in your milk supply – the answer could be Moringa oleifera! The added benefits are well worth it.

Extra Vitamin Boost to Eyes

Vitamin A is a lipid-soluble vitamin vital for vision, skin structure and the functioning of the immune system. It has been believed that vitamin A is the most important vitamin for immune function and protection. Vitamin A aids in healing which without it, recovery time is long and delayed. Vitamin A deficiency in children can cause blindness. Moringa contains extreme amounts of Vitamin A and beta carotene.

Choline is for normal membrane structure and cellular function – It is also used by the kidneys to maintain water balance and the liver synthesis of various compounds. Choline is needed for vital fetus and infant development, plus, it helps with vision. During pregnancy and while breast feeding the choline is depleted so replenishing this supply is necessary for proper nutrition. Moringa leaves contain more than 400 mg in 100 grams of Moringa, which is about the RDA for adults.

Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant found in Moringa that supports long term eye health as well as every part of your body depends on Vitamin C. According to the American Optometry Association (1) vitamin C is critical to healthy eyes. Our bodies do not produce vitamin C, so it is necessary to supplement through fruit and green vegetables, like Moringa.

Beat Fatigue

Iron is essential for the reduction of fatigue – most new mothers experience exhaustion from the frequent feeding routine and sleep deprivation. The delivery process is enough to cause extreme exhaustion but then the routine of life has suddenly taken on new meaning – pure exhaustion. The loss of blood during the birthing process can leave mothers weak and exhausted. One tablespoon of Moringa powder or 1 serving of Moringa capsules contains 46.8% of your iron requirements. When the feeling of exhaustion overtakes you, make a smoothie with Out of Eden International’s Moringa Life Blend, mixed in a milk alternative (even breast milk) and Moringa will give a quick boost.

Strong Bones and Teeth

Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth for both Mother and baby – Moringa is calcium rich. Newborns take a lot of calcium from breastfeeding Mothers. Gram per gram, Moringa has 14 times more calcium than milk. So, supplementing the Mother’s calcium supply with Moringa seems essential for both Mother and baby for optimum health and growth.

Helps Mom’s in Post Birthing

Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting – This is particularly important for new Mothers and the newborns. Vitamin K is given at birth but new Mother’s need to pay close attention to this essential vitamin. Mother’s lose blood during the birthing process plus heavy bleeding in many new Mother’s occurs post birthing. Moringa gives the extra boost of Vitamin K necessary to keep most Mother’s healthy when taken properly.

If you would like more information about Moringa oleifera or to place an order peruse our website and see for yourself the breakdown and facts on Moringa oleifera’s nutrition.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.